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Brown Ale

Brown Ale
Brown Ale by Hourglass Brewing photo by Lola Rigdon

What is a Brown Ale?

Brown ale is a type of ale, a type of beer made with malted barley, hops, water, and yeast. It is called “brown” because it is typically darker in color than pale ales, although the color can range from amber to dark brown. The flavor of brown ale is often described as malty, with notes of caramel, toffee, nuts, and chocolate. It is generally medium to full-bodied, with a moderate to high level of carbonation and a relatively low level of hop bitterness. Brown ales are usually brewed with a combination of pale and crystal malt, and may be aged in oak barrels to give them a distinct woody or vanilla character. 

Some great food to pair with Brown Ales are:

Beef dishes: Brown ales can be a great choice to pair with hearty beef dishes like steak, roast beef, or beef stew. The rich, malty flavors of the beer can help to enhance the flavors of the meat.

Cheese: Brown ales can also be paired with a variety of cheeses, particularly sharp, aged cheddar or gouda. The nutty, caramel flavors of the beer can help to balance out the sharpness of the cheese.

Poultry: Poultry dishes like roast chicken or turkey can also be paired with brown ales. The maltiness of the beer can help to complement the flavors of the poultry.

Desserts: Brown ales can also be paired with sweet desserts like chocolate cake or caramel-flavored ice cream. The rich, malty flavors of the beer can help to balance out the sweetness of the dessert.


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